Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Thing 3 - my own personal brand

The cpd Thing for this week is to consider our personal brands with an activity to search for ourselves online.

My personal brand
I began by reading the article by Mary Kelly (the Practical Librarian) and following a couple of things on there when I became aware that I had inadvertantly been creating my own brand at work for some time now. Most people at work know that I'm interested in becoming a subject specialist and that I am interested in the library user as a learner, mainly because these are the things I tend to talk about the most and the jobs that I apply for, while I don't see anything wrong with this, in fact I think that having a known interest in a team would be helpful and has been helpful to me.

I Googled myself, something I often do out of curiosity (vanity?), and discovered that I have created 2 brands for myself and realised that depending on how well the person Googling me knew me would depend on which brand they get. A prospective employer would search for Rebecca and find a 192 listing and a report which I wrote as part of the Junior Research Associate Scheme on sustainable waste management, hardly something which screams 'librarian' and thought this may deter them, or perhaps the lack of information on Rebecca would concern them.

To anyone who knows me I am Becky, here is where my librarian self comes out. The top results were my LIS NPN account and things which I had liked on Facebook, as these were Newcastle Libraries and CDG Northeastern and thus related to my career I'm happy that these things came up. However, these things are essentially hidden from people who don't know me.

I have to be honest and say that I haven't found the courage to show this blog to any of my colleagues to get their feedback on it so any comments from people reading this are most welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Becky, I've enjoyed reading your blog so far! I know exactly how you feel about showing your blog to your colleagues - I'm venturing out slowly with this too so maybe when we've got a bit further down the line we'll get the confidence to do so.
    I like the look of your blog and like the fact you are mixing up the content (multi-media) and the like. Looking forward to reading some of your future posts!
