Monday, 5 September 2011

Advocate advocate advocate

Thing 16 – Advocacy

Thing 16 is all about speaking up for libraries, here’s where I confess: I am one of these people who reads Update and newspapers and cringes at the thought of public library closures (I once lost my library card for 2 days and it was the end of the world!!) yet I do nothing, I complain to my friends and family about the injustice of it, after all what sort of society reduces the number of public libraries?! I greatly admire everyone who has gotten involved in protests and campaigns and basically any sort of advocacy.

Don’t forget…
It’s not just public libraries which are facing challenging times, the new government has cut the funding to universities so academic libraries are also facing changing times. There is now to be greater emphasis on what the student wants and how we can improve the customer journey, this I think will be a good thing, no actually a great thing, for the students, however, it will shake up existing staff structures and ruffle a few feathers along the way. I believe that shaking things up now and again keeps us on our toes, and as long as there is a positive outcome or reason behind it I’m all for it, that’s not to be confused for change for change sake which I do not agree with.

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