Tuesday, 6 September 2011

That time consuming bit at the end

Thing 14 - referencing

I am a fan of anything that makes my life easier, but, even if I had known about these referencing tools I still wouldn't have used them. For my first degree we were introdcued to Endnote, even with it's faults, we were encouraged to use it. I personally find it easier to keep a file of my handwritten notes so when I find what I want to reference I have the actual reference right there, that way I can reference as I go. I do not like to leave everything until the last minute then produce this massive reference list, I live in fear of software bugs and glitches which I have fallen victim to in the past, here some people will say something along the lines of 'what if you lose your notes?', I see their point but as I reference as I go it doesn't really matter if I lose my notes or not. While doing my MSc I would not want to spend the effort to learn something which has the potential to go wrong or for me to make it go wrong when I have a method which I'm comfortable with and works for me.

I used Mendeley as the tool to trial, I can see the advantages of it and if I was dealing with someone who preferred to use referencing tools then I would recommend it, but it's not for me and I'm not in a position where I would be making recommendations on referencing.

P.S. I'm not a technophobe I just like to have a good reason/clear benefit before I change my ways!

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