Sunday, 9 October 2011

Evernote - finally!

Thing 9 - Evernote - finally accomplished

For those of you who have read my earlier posts you will know that the computers at work did not want to let me download Evernote, even though a colleague assured me that they should as they have downloaded onto other work computers, maybe it's just me?

I have finally gotten round to sorting it out at home, as of 15 minutes ago I am proud to say I have had use of Evernote! And here is my first note -

I've still got a lot of playing around to do but so far I have made my first note and synced it to my phone. I love to do lists and having one I can access anywhere is definitely a benefit for me. I am still exploring the functions but loving it so far.

1 comment:

  1. this might help you up and running fast, it did for me... Evernote Essentials eBook. Have a look here: (affiliate link)
