Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Organisation restructure - opportunity knocks?

It's been a while since my last post, mainly because nothing has changed or struck me as worth writing about after 23 Things. Now a restructure has dropped a fantastic opportunity at my feet, finally a chance for more personal and professional development!!

I've reached the stage where I have done all the training offered by HR, I have done the MSc and updated my training every year, jumping on any new training sessions offered in-house. I am now suitably qualified for a higher position, however, despite getting close at interviews I have not yet had that life changing phonecall to say 'Becky you got the job, when can you start?' So needless to say when the emails started going round saying there was a restructure and the circulation team (my current team) would be merging with the enquiry team I leapt at the opportunity to expand my experience.

To date I have attended a number of 'training' sessions which are more like an overview of what the enquiry team does now and what I will do at a future date. My advice, for all it's not an actual training session, go on as many as possible because you learn things that you did not know, even if it's just a chance to talk to someone you wouldn't normally get to talk to, it's an opportunity to network.

Instead of just dealing with basic library tasks such as issuing/discharging/fines/reservations etc I will be doing 'quick and easy' IT queries, learner enquiries and basically feeling much more useful to customers by not having to refer them to a different department on a different floor. While it will only be lower level enquiries that I deal with it is still an opportunity to expand my knowledge, an opportunity I'm grabbing with both hands.

Personally, I can't wait to start the training and actually do new things, while it will be challenging to start with as new people get used to working with eachother and we have new tasks to learn overall it's definitely an opportunity to be taken advantage of. Of course there are the change-fearing 'moaners' to contend with but how often do things stay the same? If things always stayed the same we'd be living in caves, cold caves, because man hadn't invented fire (that was a welcome development!). We would be stuck walking everywhere because people hadn't embraced the developments the invention of the wheel brought. Wait until you've tried it before you moan.

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